Chekhov's Gunman


Archive for the tag “Lost”

“Brienne and Jamie Forever!”- Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 2 Review- ‘Dark Wings, Dark Words’

Dark Wings Dark Words Game of Thrones Jamie Brienne

This review is conducted by someone who has not read the books, so if I don’t get something please don’t complain to me about how it’s all there in the books. I WILL hit you.

If Game of Thrones suffers from one problem, it’s an over-abundance of characters. I understand that this is something that the show can’t help as it is merely an adaptation of a consistently-prolonged franchise, but it all gets rather muddled.

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“Big Damn Heroes, Sir”- Top Ten Heroic Sacrifices- A Mexican Standoff

Chekhov’s Gunman is a film and television blog moderated by Kevin Lanigan, a future writer of awesome movies and television and several subpar G.I. Joe sequels. This is a Mexican Standoff, a categorical list of things having to do with movies and television- the essentials of life.

Big Damn Heroes. It’s what everyone wants to be. If you’ve ever played any kind of role play game, you know that everyone thinks they’re the fire hose swinging, yippie-kay-aying hero man John McClane. But in reality, most of us are Ellis, doing cocaine and poorly pronouncing German until we meet our inevitable and unceremonial demise.

But fortunately for the peeps on the following list, they did get to be Big Damn Heroes. For clarification’s sake, these people didn’t necessarily have to die from these sacrifices, but if they didn’t then they totally got off easy. More like Medium Damn Heroes.

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“You Had One Job, Tarly!!!”- Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 1 Review- ‘Valar Dohearis’

Game of Thrones Season 3 Premiere Tyrion

Chekhov’s Gunman is a film and television blog written by Kevin Lanigan, a future writer of great TV and movies and pretty subpar Homeland-themed cookbooks. Below is a review of the first episode of the third season of Game of Thrones with lots and lots and lots of spoilers. There has been a small amount of negative feedback regarding the fact that I am not a scholar on this show. Those who read this review may wonder who is taking it super seriously.

This show is conducted by someone who hasn’t read the books. Yell at me if you want.

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#6- “It’s Like Frolicking in a Surly, Many-Boobed Field”- We Are in the Television Golden Age and Game of Thrones is Back!

game of thrones

Chekhov’s Gunman is a film and television blog moderated by Kevin Lanigan, a future writer of movies and TV and a struggling sculpture artist in a time when marble is scarce. There’s probably some spoilers somewhere in here, so don’t blame me because I warned you, sonnyjack.

I am ready to welcome the sins of Westeros back into my life again. The boobs, and the midgets, and the incest… I want all of it. It’s like welcoming a dirty, crusty friend back into your life after his long HBO-fueled absence. Our noble dwarf Tyrion Lannister, the ever-slappable Joffrey Baratheon, and their entire gamut of back-stabbing winter-fearers are going to waltz back into our living rooms (or out of your computer screen if you’re one of those naughty children who pirates things) and we couldn’t be more glad.

The fervor and fan art that Game of Thrones inspires is daunting. It’s also the perfect encapsulation of where television is at right now. Read more…

Top Ten Character Deaths in Movies and TV- A Mexican Standoff

Chekhov’s Gunman is a film and television blog moderated by Kevin Lanigan, a future writer of awesome movies and TV and moderately successful modern day adaptations of Huckleberry Finn. Coming 2015.

Before you read this list, know that I have not seen everything. I have watched a lot of things, probably too many things, at the expense of having hobbies and what may have been true happiness but we can’t be sure. But I am far from seeing everything. So if you have something you think is missing from this list, comment below and let me know (to borrow a phrase from Jeremy Jahns). In either case, here’s the list…

Also, you know, spoilers… Duh… Read more…

#3- “It’s like Die Hard in a Petting Zoo”- Premises, Housing, and why Movie 43 Won’t Be Worth Your Money

die hard

Welcome to Chekhov’s Gunman, a film and television blog from Kevin Lanigan, a past, present, and future writer of scripts, books, and angry letters to the editor about how The Dark Knight Rises totally deserved 10 stars and how they should just totally go watch Atonement or something.

You cannot build without a solid foundation. Without concrete, you may have no house. Without a crust, there is no pizza. Without Captain America, all the Avengers would do is sit around having radioactive pissing contests. If you are writing, creating, examining, saying, expressing, or doing anything you need a firm rock to anchor yourself to, or you’re just going to be standing on top of a soap box and waving your megaphone impotently in the wind.

A solid premise is like an adequate preschool. It creates a wonderful sandbox for the characters and plot to unfold naturally. Because of Die Hard’s solid premise, John McClane swinging on a fire hose through a window was far, far superior to your typical, shallow, empty fire hose swinging. Read more…

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